Week 03
Week 3
Click here to jump down to our key dates
This week has been another busy and exciting one at Watling. On Tuesday, we held our school photo for students Years 7, 9 & 11. It was lovely to see our students wearing their uniform with pride and showing the very best of Watling. If your child was absent on this day there will be a mop up session being held on Thursday 3rd October. I am happy to share some photos of the new catering service on offer. We have all now adapted to the new layout in the canteen and it is hard to imagine our school looking any different.
This week also saw our first competitive sports fixtures of the year take place. On Tuesday our U13 Girls County Cup Football team faced Ousedale and experienced an unfortunate loss. The U15 Boys County Cup Football team were also busy on Tuesday at Princes Risborough and were victorious with an incredible 5-0 win. Wednesday brought another outstanding win, this time for our U14 Boys County Cup Football team against Buckingham School with Watling winning 6-5. Thursday afternoon saw Hazeley School visit us to face our U13 Boys County Cup Football team which sadly resulted in a loss. A huge congratulations to Joe in Year 10, who scored three goals in his match this week. The next couple of weeks are even busier with fixtures and we look forward to reporting back on the amazing performances of our students. Well done to all students who have got involved with teams so far this year.

Our Homework Clinic is an incredibly popular after school activity for our students and I have been pleased to see attendees working hard in the library after school. Homework club is an opportunity for students to complete their school work, giving them access to computers and library resources. Those who attend are expected to stay for the whole session time, until 4.15pm. If you have booked a space which you no longer require, please do ensure that you cancel the booking on ParentMail or email admin@watling.academy so that other students may access this vital learning support service. For those still wanting to book sessions for the Homework Clinic this term, please keep checking ParentMail for any cancellations. The bookings for next term will be released shortly before the October half term.
As we have all seen, the beginning and end of the school day are busy times in the school car park, and on Barrosa Way. I fully understand that the congestion can be frustrating, however please can I ask all parents and carers to drive and park considerately to avoid accidents and near misses. A near miss occurred on Barrosa Way this week involving one of our students. It is crucial that we all work together to keep everyone in our community safe. In line with our commitment to sustainability, I would encourage all students to walk or cycle to school wherever possible.
Now we have settled in to the new school year and students have become more familiar with their timetables, I would like to encourage all students to take responsibility for ensuring that they have all the equipment needed for their day at school, including water bottle and PE kits. Should a student forget an item, we will not be able to call home to ask parents/carers to ask you to bring in these belongings. We want to thank you for your assistance in this and in helping our students become more independent and responsible learners.
Our Year 11 students will be sitting their mock exams from Monday for the next two weeks and I want to wish them all well as they continue preparations for their GCSEs in the summer. I hope you all have a restful weekend.
Mrs H Fry

What’s happening next week?
Key events happening next week include:
- Year 11 Mock Exams
- After School Clubs commence
- Monday 23rd September @ 6pm: Friends of Watling Academy Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Sports fixtures
- Monday 23rd September: U15 Girls County Cup Football vs Henry Floyd
- Wednesday 25th September: Year 8 Boys Football vs Stantonbury
- Thursday 26th September: Year 9 Boys Football vs Stantonbury
Dates for the diary…

Events taking place in our community
Age UK’s ‘Joy in Older Life’ Art Competition 28th Sept-1st Oct – see news here
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the bulletin. Have you enjoyed reading this? Is there anything else you’d like to see included in future? Should you have any questions, comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to email: media@watling.academy