Week 17
Click here to jump down to our key dates
Welcome back and a Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a relaxing and refreshing break. We have come back to some cold weather, and whilst the school field does look lovely on a frosty morning, we are looking forward to welcoming longer days and warmer weather in the coming months. Please ensure that additional time is allowed for travel to school in the colder mornings, as we have seen a small increase in the number of students who are arriving late to school. As a reminder, students should be on site by 8:35am and in their classrooms ready to start by 8:40am. .

It has been lovely to welcome all students back this week, getting back into the routine of school. I have enjoyed delivering assemblies to students this week, reflecting on how Milton Keynes may develop in the next 25 years considering the development since the millennium. This year sees the drafted publication of the MK2050 plan, which outlines what life in MK will be like by 2050. This is particularly relevant to our students, who will be an active part of the MK 2050 community. We have reflected on the opportunities that the rapid development of MK will bring, both in terms of career development and how we may all be living our lives as residents of MK.
On Friday, our Year 11 students took part in an exam preparation day. Students took part in sessions on topics including organisation and planning, revision techniques and how to use past paper questions to support preparation. With 12 Mondays left until the exam season starts and the Year 11 Mock Exams fast approaching, 2025 is due to be a busy year for our Year 11 students and their families. Staff are working incredibly hard to support students through the final push towards the GCSE exams and we know that the rest of the school community are behind our Year 11 students. As part of this support, we look forward to welcoming all Year 11 families to the Year 11 Shared Learning Evening which is taking place on Thursday 16th January. I would strongly encourage every family to attend this event, as it will provide crucial information on how to make Year 11 a success.
Clubs and fixtures will restart on Monday 13th January and we are looking forward to some great results from our school teams. We have sent our first trip of 2025 out on Friday and have some more exciting opportunities taking place next week. We will continue to update our news post to share more information about these events.
As we start a new term, please can I ask for all parent/carer’s support in ensuring that students are wearing the correct uniform to school. Uniform is an important part of our shared school culture and community, and we insist on high standards for all our students. Students choosing to wear trousers should be wearing grey trousers only, and must not wear leggings. Skirts should be of a reasonable length and we will challenge students who are wearing their skirts too short or are rolling them up. As part of our Health and Safety requirements, students are only allowed to wear one small stud in each ear and nothing below the earlobe (for example, hoops).
Finally, I must remind all students and families that, due to allergies in our school community, we do not permit the use of sprays and aerosols anywhere at the Academy. To support members of our community who have severe nut allergies, no products containing nuts should be brought into school.
As always, thank you for your continued and valued support.
Mrs H Fry
What’s happening next week?
Key events upcoming:
- Week Commencing 13th January: Year 11 Student/Parent Interviews throughout January
- Wednesday 15th January : Year 11 Oxford Trip
- Thursday 16th January: Year 11 Shared Learning Evening
- Friday 17th January: Year 10 Drama Workshop
Sports fixtures:
- Monday 13th January: U15 Girls County Cup Football Vs Henry Lloyd
- Tuesday 14th January: U14 and U16 Boys Badminton Vs Webber
- Wednesday 15th January: U13 Girls County Cup Football vs Buckingham School
- Wednesday 15th January: Year 7 and U14 Girls and Boys Badminton Vs SHLA
- Thursday 16th January: GCSE PE Swimming at Leon
- Thursday 16th January: Year 11 Basketball Vs Stantonbury
Updated dates for the diary…

Events in our Community
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the bulletin. Have you enjoyed reading this? Is there anything else you’d like to see included in future? Should you have any questions, comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to email: admin@watling.academy