
Assessment is an essential tool to support teachers in identifying how well students have mastered key curriculum content and skills over time. It enables teachers, and students, to identify key misconceptions in learning and to plan next steps for continued progress learning.

Students in Key Stage 3 will complete a minimum of 3 termly summative assessments in each academic year, including an End of Year Exam, in all subjects except for PE, STEM and Wellbeing.  These assessments will be sat at various points throughout each term in line with individual subject curriculum mapping.

Summative assessments will be assessed using GCSE fine grades 9a-1c, in addition to a T1 for students not yet meeting the requirements for a GCSE grade 1.

Informal and low-stakes assessment is a key component of teaching and learning within the classroom at Watling Academy. This provides immediate feedback of student progress within individual lessons and over time. Teachers use a range of Assessment for Learning techniques within lessons to monitor student progress and understanding of key curriculum content.

Progress Reporting

Information about student progress is reported home to parents/carers through a termly Progress Report. This report provides parents/carers with an overview of students academic progress across the curriculum alongside information regarding student engagement in learning and their wider conduct across the Academy.

Progress reports will include the following key information:

  • Engagement grade (1-5)
  • Behaviour grade (1-5)
  • Homework grade (1-5)
  • Current Learning Grade
  • End of Year Milestone Target
  • Attendance Information
  • House Points and Behaviour Points

Parents/carers will be invited to attend a Learning Pathways evening during the Autumn Term to provide more detailed information about the nature of assessment and reporting at Watling Academy.

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