Sustainability and the Environment

Addressing the environmental challenges of today is a responsibility shared by people around the world and respect, responsibility and kindness link perfectly to considering those challenges and what they mean for our community at Watling. As part of the formal curriculum, we will consider those challenges in a range of subject areas and the STEM innovation programme will allow students the opportunity to examine, analyse and consider how they might be addressed but the most effective way we can highlight their importance is through what we do day by day, through our culture. Every small thing we can do to contribute will make a difference and to that end, we are working with the Green Schools group and have registered for the Eco-schools award. These organisations are helping us to consider what we can do as a community to operate as sustainably as we can.

Where possible please encourage children to walk or cycle to school; we will do the same for staff. We are considering how we might introduce a reward scheme for those who do travel to school using lower carbon modes of transport and will be seeking ideas from students and parents about how this scheme will operate.

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