Headteacher’s Bulletin – 6th September 2024

Week 1

It has been wonderful to welcome back our staff and students this week as we start our new academic year. Whatever the last six weeks held for you, I hope that you have all had some time to rest and relax.

Each week I will be sending home my Headteacher’s Weekly Bulletin. I will share our successes and highlight key information for the weeks ahead.

The students have made a fantastic start to this academic year, spending extended time with their Tutors. We have reminded students of how our community should work together to ensure we create a positive learning environment for everyone. All students have been given a copy of their new timetable, which should now also be written in to their planners.

I would appreciate your continued support to ensure that your child is at the academy by 8:35am, in plenty of time for the start of the school day, in full school uniform and with the correct equipment for their day.

Thank you for your support in ensuring that students were ready for the start of the year. We have had a positive first few days and I am looking forward to sharing success stories and plans as we go through the year.

Mrs H Fry

This week’s highlights

On Wednesday we welcomed our new Year 7 students into the Watling family. They spent the day in their Tutor groups, getting to know their Tutors, making new friends and enjoying teamwork activities. They were joined on Thursday by returning students in Year 8 – 11. Students have met many of their new teachers and I have enjoyed popping into lessons over the last few days. Information regarding our curriculum can be found on our website, alongside other information and policies which you may find useful in the coming weeks.

We have had many projects taking place over the summer, but it was particularly rewarding to see students using our new classrooms and canteen layout, enjoying the menu on offer from our new catering providers, Cucina.

What’s happening next week?

Key events happening next week include:

  • Year 7 CATS (Information will be sent separately)
  • Year 11 Learning Pathways Evening (Thursday)

Dates for the diary…

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We’d love to hear your thoughts on the bulletin. Have you enjoyed reading this? Is there anything else you’d like to see included in future? Should you have any questions, comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to email: mcdonaldl@watling.academy

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