At Watling Academy, we are committed to ensuring that all students from Years 7 to 11 are well-prepared for their next steps when they leave school, be it for education or employment. Through careers-related activities and our curriculum, we aim to inform students about the range of opportunities available and provide personalised guidance to support their decision-making. Through our Wellbeing programme we raise students’ awareness of developing the employability skills that will equip them for success in their chosen careers.
The school provides opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and skills that are valued in the place. We intend for all students to have the opportunity to participate in work experience in Year 10.
Should you have any questions regarding careers please email our Careers leader, Mr J Stormer (Assistant Headteacher) on Alternatively you make contact by telephone on our main school number.
Careers programme summary
Our careers curriculum follows the CDI Framework. We strive to exceed the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Thoughout Key Stage 3, selected girls will be invited to take part trips such as Women In Engineering and events such as the Cyberfirst challenge, in order to challenge stereotypes about women in Engineering roles.
Year 7
Introduction to Careers in Wellbeing. Lessons focus on developing skills and aspirations.
Students take part in careers week activities linked to curriculum areas. They explore where different subjects could lead them. They are also introduced to a range of careers terminology during form time activities.
Through STEM days they are introduced to key employability skills such as teamwork, communication and giving presentations.
Students are introduced to the Unifrog platform and begin to investigate different careers. They begin to record their skills development and other competencies.
Year 8
Students explore different job opportunities through the Community and Careers unit of Wellbeing lessons.
Students take part in careers week activities linked to curriculum areas. They explore where different subjects could lead them. Through a form time activity, they are encouraged to reflect on their skills and to engage a family members in a conversation about their own career path.
Students participate in the Worktree Virtual Career Workout, where they meet a variety of employers virtually and have the opportunity to ask them questions about their role.
Students will continue to use Unifrog to log and track their skills and experiences.
Year 9
Students explore Goal Setting and Employability Skills through Wellbeing lessons.
Students take part in careers week activities linked to curriculum areas. They explore where different subjects could lead them. They will be supported to develop an understanding of the role of specific Key Stage 4 qualifications in future career paths.
All student will be offered an appointment with an Independent Careers Advisor to discuss their GCSE options. Options lessons, assemblies and information evenings help ensure that students and parents have the information they need to make the best choices going into Key Stage 4.
Students will continue to use Unifrog to log and track their skills and experiences.
Careers Policy & Provider Access Statement
Please find below our published Careers Policy, as well as our Provider Access Statement.
More Information
Unifrog is our most popular careers resource. All students will be given a login for this website during Year 7 and parents will also be given information about setting up their own account. It provides students with an easy to use tool for searching jobs, keeping track of their skills development, doing quizzes to help them understand their strengths and finding additional ways to develop their understanding of areas of interest.
Amazing Apprenticeships provides a wealth of information for student considering following an apprenticeship route Post-16.
Evaluating our Careers Programme
We evaluate the success of our careers events by carrying out surveys with students and employers. Feedback is used to adjust our programme going forwards. The work of the Careers team is evaluated by the leadership and the by the designated link governor for Careers.
Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information refers to information that comes directly from employers to shape our understanding of the job need in our local area, the South-East Midlands.
Our careers information will next be formally reviewed in Summer 2024.