Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum in practice

All students in Key Stage Three follow a core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Geography, History and Modern Foreign Languages. Students also study a broad and varied curriculum consisting of Art, Design Technology, Drama, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education and Well-being (PSHE). Students at KS3 also have the opportunity to participate within STEM Innovation lessons aimed at building students’ STEM related skills through individual projects focussed on a real-world application of key knowledge and skills.

Through the Well-being and Tutorial programme students will develop their understanding of our Academy values of Respect, Responsibility and Kindness as well as a wider appreciation of core British values. The Tutorial programme provides valuable learning experiences for our students outside of the mainstream curriculum. Students follow the LORIC programme to develop their wider learning skills of leadership, organisation, resilience and communication, with opportunities to put these into practice through a varied programme of activities.

Teaching and Learning at Watling Academy

At Watling Academy, the development of exceptional teaching and learning is at the heart of what we do. We aim to provide students with the very best education to ensure they are fully equipped with the knowledge and skills required for them to achieve and to make a positive contribution to the future development of Milton Keynes and beyond.

We hold high expectations of our students and teachers and challenge them to take risks and be reflective in their practice to continuously improve their teaching and learning. We aim to ensure that teaching and learning is inclusive to all, regardless of ability or background. Teaching will take into account students’ individual starting points and will ensure that all students make sustained progress to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Teaching and learning at Watling Academy explicitly focusses on the development of the following learner dispositions to support students in developing specific learning habits to become effective independent learners. These habits fall into one of 4 key areas:

  • Emotional: Building an emotional engagement in learning
  • Cognitive: Encouraging students to think deeply about subject content
  • Social: Developing students’ ability to work with and learn from others
  • Reflective: Developing the ability to reflect on current progress and plan next steps

What are the key components of effective learning?


  • Questioning
  • Thinking
  • Resilience
  • Perseverance
  • Noticing (finding evidence)
  • Concentrating


  • Creating, imagining, innovating
  • Risk-taking
  • Problem solving
  • Making links and applying knowledge
  • Analysis and evaluation
  • Reasoning and making judgements


  • Listening
  • Communicating
  • Planning and organisation
  • Leadership


  • Planning and organisation
  • Self-regulation
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Research
  • Collecting and using data
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