School day and Term Dates

Times of the School Day 2024-25

The total length of the compulsory school week is 32 hours and 55 minutes.

Years 7, 10 & 11

  • 8:00 School open for staff and students
  • 8:35 Staff and students on site
  • 8:40 Registration and PSHE/Assembly/Tutorial
  • 9:10 Period 1
  • 10:10 Break
  • 10:30 Period 2
  • 11:30 Period 3
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 13:15 Period 4
  • 14:15 Period 5
  • 15:15 End of day
  • 15:15 Twilight lessons and clubs begin
  • 16:15 Twilight lessons end
  • 16:30 Clubs end. School closed to students

Years 8 & 9

  • 8:00 School opens for staff and students
  • 8:35 Staff and students on site
  • 8:40 Registration and PSHE/Assembly/Tutorial
  • 9:10 Period 1
  • 10:10 Period 2
  • 11:10 Break
  • 11.30 Period 3
  • 12:30 Period 4
  • 13:30 Lunch
  • 14:15 Period 5
  • 15:15 End of day
  • 15:15 Twilight lessons and clubs begin
  • 16:15 Twilight lessons end
  • 16:30 Clubs end. School closed to students

Term Dates

Please find below term dates for upcoming academic years:

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