Headteacher's Bulletin

Week 22

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Welcome back! I hope that you all had a relaxing and refreshing half-term break. We now have a busy 6 weeks ahead of us as we approach the end of term.  There are a large number of events, trips and opportunities planned for our students over the coming weeks.  

I am incredibly proud of the start that students have made to this half term. I would like to celebrate the efforts of all students as we have seen a 53% reduction in W3s awarded to students in the last six weeks of school, compared to the previous six weeks. Well done to every student who continues to consistently demonstrate our values of Respect, Responsibility and Kindness. Please remember that excellent attendance and punctuality is a key priority for us this term and we will continue to monitor the attendance and punctuality of students. 

Yesterday a group of Watling Academy students took part in a fantastic community project, heading out to Ouzel Valley Park to help The Parks Trust plant new hedgerows. As a team, we successfully planted nearly 50 plants, which, over time, will flourish into thriving hedgerows, supporting both the environment and local wildlife. Hedgerows play a crucial role in our ecosystem. They provide shelter and food for birds, small mammals, and pollinators, while also acting as natural barriers to reduce wind and soil erosion. Additionally, they help absorb carbon dioxide, improving air quality and tackling climate change. We are incredibly proud of our students for embodying the Watling Values throughout the day—demonstrating Respect for the community, Responsibility for the environment, and Kindness in volunteering their time to make a positive difference in Milton Keynes. Well done to all involved. 

Whilst we were holding our staff INSET day on Monday, we welcomed a small group of Year 11 students in to prepare with Mrs Brooks for their practical GCSE Drama assessment. This took place on Tuesday and was a huge success. This was the first real GCSE exam with external moderator that has taken place at Watling and is a real milestone for our school and students. A massive thank you to Ruby, from Year 10, who stepped in at the last minute to take a part in the performance to support our Year 11 students. I’d also like to thank Freddie, from Year 8, who came in to assist with lighting. This demonstrates incredible Watling commitment, thank you! 

On Wednesday we had students from Year 5 at Whitehouse and Fairfield’s visit us for the Children’s University Programme, which will run for five weeks. We aim to provide students with a variety of learning opportunities and experiences designed to give a greater breadth to KS2 programme of study, with the capacity for extending their education and exploring subjects to a higher level.  The students have the opportunity to experience sessions in Computing, Design Technology, Maths , Science, Spanish and STEM.  The sessions are fun with clear learning outcomes that complement their Key Stage 2 learning and prepare students for the challenges they will face in their Key Stage 3 studies. I would like to thank all our staff who are involved with this exciting opportunity. 

In another first for our school, we have welcomed photographers to Watling this morning to take a whole year group photo of our Year 11s, as well as Tutor group photos. It was a proud moment to see the whole year group together, and the photographers even said they were the best Year 11s he has seen this year! They continue to be a credit to our school community. Whilst this half term is incredibly busy for Year 11 students, we are excited to also begin making memories as part of their Year 11 leavers events. I can’t believe that the time has gone so quickly.  

National Careers Week (NCW) 2025 

Our careers programme runs throughout the school year, and we hold a dedicated careers month in November. However National Careers Week (NCW) 2025, which runs from 3rd – 8th March, is a fantastic opportunity to explore careers guidance and access free resources that can help shape your child’s future. Your involvement is crucial in guiding and encouraging your child as they navigate their career options. To support students in this journey, we encourage you to explore the latest edition of the Choices Magazine, a valuable resource filled with insights and advice. You can download the recent publication and subscribe to future editions by following this link.  

Choices Magazine – February Parent & Carers Guide – Amazing Apprenticeships 

Additional information regarding Careers can be found via our website on the Careers page and the subject pages for guidance more specific to each curriculum area. 

Sports Results 

Year 7 girls football won against Denbigh 10-0  

Year 8 girls football won against Denbigh 13-2 

U15 girls county cup football won beating Dr Challoners 5-3 

Year 8 boys basketball won against Brooklands 16-14 

Year 9 boys basketball won against Webber 

Year 10 netball lost to Shenley Brook End 18-15  

Year 7 netball drew against Webber 7-7 

Year 9 netball lost 13-9 against Webber 

Mrs Fry

What’s happening next week? 

Key events upcoming:  

  • Monday 3rd March: World Book Week 
  • Monday 3rd March: Y11 MFL Mock Speaking Exams all week 
  • Tuesday 4th March: Y8 Violence Against Women Sessions Continue 
  • Tuesday 4th March: Y9 DTPM Vaccine Mop Up 
  • Wednesday 5th March: Y5 Children’s University 
  • Friday 7th March: Y8 WW1 Battlefields Trip – Belgium & France 

Sports fixtures:

  • Tuesday 4th March: Y8 Boys Football Vs Walton High 
  • Wednesday 5th March: Y7 Boys Football Vs Walton High 
  • Wednesday 5th March: Y9 Netball Vs SHLA 
  • Wednesday 5th March: Y10 Development Netball Tournament 
  • Thursday 6th March: Y7 & Y8 Netball Vs SHLA 
  • Thursday 6th March: Y7 Basketball Vs Oakgrove 
  • Thursday 6th March: U15 County Cup Girls Football Semi Final 

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Events in our Community

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the bulletin. Have you enjoyed reading this? Is there anything else you’d like to see included in future? Should you have any questions, comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to email: admin@watling.academy

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