Week 24
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It has been a busy week here at Watling Academy with British Science week activities and various sports fixtures, plus the return of our Year 8 students from their trip to Belgium on Friday. By all accounts, they had a fantastic time. Mr Mason has shared an account of the trip below. You can also view more photos from the trip on our Facebook page.
Y8 WWI Battlefields trip to Belgium – 7th March
On Friday, nearly 100 Year 8 students set off on an unforgettable journey to Belgium to explore the battlefields of the First World War. The adventure began in the early hours—before 3 a.m.—as bleary-eyed but excited students and staff gathered at school, ready for the long day ahead.
The journey to Folkestone was brightened by a quick stop at Starbucks before boarding the Eurotunnel. Our driver and tour guide, Rich, entertained the students by suggesting they keep an eye out for the “famous octopus” swimming in the Channel. Some eagerly peered out of the windows, only to be met with darkness rather than sea creatures, much to their amusement.
Upon arriving in Calais, we continued our journey with a final hour-long drive into Belgium, where the first stop of the day was Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery. Under clear blue skies and warm 18-degree sunshine, the students had the site to themselves. Rich shared moving stories about the soldiers buried there, including 15-year-olds who had lost their lives in the war, as well as American and Commonwealth soldiers laid to rest far from home.
Next, we visited Hooge Crater Museum, where students explored a fascinating collection of First World War artefacts before stepping into a reconstructed trench—thankfully much less muddy than those of the past! They rounded off their visit by enjoying a refreshing soft drink in the sunshine.
The trip continued with a visit to Tyne Cot Cemetery, the largest Commonwealth war cemetery in the world. Following an educational talk from Rich, students took time to reflect as they wandered through the vast rows of headstones.
The final stop of the day was Ypres, where students visited the iconic Menin Gate, a memorial to the missing soldiers of the war. Of course, no trip to Belgium would be complete without a visit to a chocolate shop, and Peter De Groote proved to be a popular stop, with students stocking up on delicious Belgian treats.
As the sun set over Europe, the group began the long journey home, arriving back at school just after 10 p.m.—tired but enriched by a day of learning, reflection, and memorable experiences.

British Science Week
We have had a busy week of activities in celebration of British Science Week. Throughout the week, students from Years 7 and 8 have taken part in after school workshops, including Colourful Chemistry with Miss Dennis, Magnetic Levitation with Mr Osahon and Heart Dissection with Miss Kulsoom.
On Thursday, we were excited to host visitors from Shimadzu, a global leader in analytical and measuring instruments, who delivered engaging, practical workshops to inspire students to explore careers in science. Starting with a short film created by a local student from MK College, students gained a detailed insight into how science is applied to various industries and careers. Students then had the chance to hone their skills in analytical science to identify the culprit of a simulated crime from a lineup of suspects. Through a series of experiments and process of elimination they worked to solve the mystery whilst gaining hands-on experience and insight into this exciting field. Stuart Phillips, UK Managing Director at Shimadzu says, “We are thrilled to celebrate our 150th anniversary by giving back to the community and inspiring young minds. Education has always been at the heart of our mission, and we are excited to support the next generation of scientists and innovators.”
Raising Awareness: Violence Against Women and Girls
All Year 7 and 8 students recently took part in an important and engaging session on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). The sessions were thought-provoking and delivered key messages about respect, consent, and the impact of harassment.
Students explored real-life scenarios, statistics, and the new Protection from Sex-Based Harassment in Public Act 2023. They took part in meaningful discussions on how certain behaviours can make people feel unsafe and examined ways to challenge harmful attitudes. The sessions also encouraged students to think critically about media influence and the importance of speaking up when they witness inappropriate behaviour.
The students were fantastic—engaged, reflective, and willing to contribute to mature discussions. It was brilliant to see them approach such an important topic with empathy and a genuine commitment to making a positive difference.
Y8 & 9 Foreign Language Translation Bee Stage 2 School Final
Well done to the students from Years 8 & 9 who have recently taken part in Stage 2 of the Translation Bee. The competition took place in their respective assemblies in front of the rest of their year group and students had one minute to correctly translate into either Spanish or Mandarin as many sentences as possible. For the students taking part, as well as demonstrating their impressive ability to translate sentences into another language, it was a great opportunity for them to improve their confidence speaking in front of a large audience. For those watching, it was fantastic to witness what can be achieved through hard work and perseverance. Congratulations to the winners, Talasya and Mishika for Mandarin who will now compete in a national final, and Kirstiella and Raghav for Spanish who will compete in a regional final against schools from the Southeast of England. We wish them the best of luck! You can read more about the competition on our website.
Friends of Watling Academy
The Friends of Watling Academy (FoWA) met on Monday evening to discuss their latest plans to support the school. Following the success of the last doughnut sale, they will be holding another on Friday 4th April – look out for more details soon. I would like to acknowledge our appreciation for the time and commitment that the members of FoWA dedicate to Watling Academy. If you are interested in getting involved, or would like more information, please visit their page on our website: PTA – Watling Academy
Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend and good luck to our Year 10 students taking their Drama exams next week.
Mrs Fry
This week’s Sports Results
- Monday 10th – Year 8 basketball won against Oakgrove
- Monday 10th – Year 10 basketball won against Oakgrove
- Wednesday 12th – Year 7 netball won against Walton High
- Wednesday 12th – U16 girls lost against Shenley Brook End
- Wednesday 12th – Year 9 netball team came 2nd at the MK schools Netball tournament (see photo below)
- Wednesday 12th – Year 8 House Football tournament – Rutherford were the winners, with Turing as runners up.
- Thursday 13th – U16 girls football lost 8-5 to Denbigh
- Thursday 13th – Year 9 girls football won 11-4 against Denbigh

What’s happening next week?
Key events upcoming:
- Monday 17th March – Y10 Drama exams (all week)
- Monday 17th March – Y10 Maths Feast trip
- Monday 17th March – Appointments open to book Y11 Subject Consultations
- Friday 21st March – Year 11 PR 3 & Year 10 PR 2 sent home
Sports Fixtures
- Tuesday 18th March –
- Y7 Basketball Vs Oakgrove HOME
- Y9 & 11 Girls Football Vs Denbigh HOME
- Y11 Football Vs Oakgrove HOME
- Wednesday 19th March –
- Y8 & 10 Basketball Vs Oakgrove AWAY
- Y9 Boys Football Vs Walton High HOME
- Y8 Development Netball Tournament HOME
- Thursday 20th March –
- Y9 & 11 Basketball Vs Oakgrove HOME
- Friday 21st March –
- U15 Girls County Cup Final AWAY
Updated dates for the diary…

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the bulletin. Have you enjoyed reading this? Is there anything else you’d like to see included in future? Should you have any questions, comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to email: admin@watling.academy