Years 8 & 9: Translation Bee
During the first term all students in Year’s 8 and 9 have been practising translating a series of key present tense sentences into Spanish or Mandarin (Year 9 only) as part of their preparation for the Foreign Language Translation Bee House Competition. The competition itself took place in their MFL lessons during the week beginning Monday 2nd and 9th December 2024. Students had to correctly translate as many of the present tense sentences as possible in a minute.
Two winners from each House in each year group (one from K and one from M) were then selected to take part in the next stage, which is a School Competition that will take place shortly after February half-term. The winners of the School Competition will potentially then compete in a regional/national competition. The winners will be announced in the forthcoming celebration assembly.
This competition really helps students with their knowledge of forming important sentences using key verbs and vocabulary. This ultimately helps them in their assessments and learning in general.
Well done to everyone in Year 8 and Year 9 for taking part and good luck to those of you who qualified for the next stage!
The winners of the House Competition in Year 9M for Mandarin were:
- Laine – Aneja (7 sentences translated into Mandarin in a minute)
- Leyh – Akash (4)
- Marshall – Denis (11)
- Rutherford – Chloe (4.5)
- Turing – Sophiella (3)
The winners of the House Competition in Year 9K for Mandarin were:
- Laine – Megan (6.5 sentences translated into Mandarin in a minute)
- Leyh – Edith (13)
- Marshall – Talasya (20)
- Rutherford – Mishika (18)
- Turing – Tudor (13)
The winners of the House Competition in Year 9M for Spanish were:
- Laine – Moksha (8 sentences translated into Spanish in a minute)
- Leyh – Raghav (12)
- Marshall – Olivia (10)
- Rutherford – Rudra (10)
- Turing – Lily (12)
The winners of the House Competition in Year 9K for Spanish were:
- Laine – Rommi (7 sentences translated into Spanish in a minute)
- Leyh – Emma (11)
- Marshall – Daria & Alexander (4)
- Rutherford – Beth (10)
- Turing – Kadie (15)
The winners of the House Competition in Year 8M were:
- Laine – Sai & Priscila (10 sentences translated into Spanish in a minute)
- Leyh – Ionela & Yat (8)
- Marshall – Christopher (11)
- Rutherford – Kirstiella (14)
- Turing – Mason (7)
The winners of the House Competition in Year 8K were:
- Laine – Florence (11 sentences translated into Spanish in a minute)
- Leyh – Geoffrey (6)
- Marshall – Bella (14)
- Rutherford – Eliza (15)
- Turing – Gabrielle (15)