To report absence Parents/Carers can:
- Email
- Call 01908 794094 and select the reporting absence option
- Use ParentMail to report absence
Why attendance matters
Full attendance allows Watling students to experience the entirety of our curriculum, even by missing a few days of school students will lose out on parts of their education that may prove detrimental. Research shows that students who are absent from school have significantly poorer outcomes than those with full attendance*.
Consistent and punctual attendance are qualities that are highly valued by employers, who want to know that their work force is reliable, and as such they are qualities that Watling Academy seeks to develop, recognise and celebrate.
Attendance is monitored closely and as an Academy we will follow up any unexplained attendance. Where a student’s attendance record reaches a concerning level, we will contact Parents and Carers to discuss ways in which the Academy can provide support.
Medical Appointments
Routine medical appointments must be arranged outside Academy hours. Where a medical appointment cannot be arranged outside of Academy hours, we require that a copy of the appointment letter is forwarded to; this will then allow us to authorise the absence.
Legislation concerning term-time holidays changed from September 2013. The Head of School may no longer authorise a term-time holiday.
Only in ‘exceptional circumstances’ can a leave of absence be authorised during term-time. Requests for absence due to ‘exceptional circumstance’ should be addressed to the Head of School and sent to, with any supporting documentation. Parents/Carers will be made aware of the Head’s decision via e-mail.
Parents/Carers requiring authorised leave for sporting events, musical performances, compassionate leave, or religious observance should request authorised absence using the same procedure.
Families wishing to take extended holidays or trips to visit family abroad do so during the main summer holiday.
Unauthorised/Persistent absence
Should a Parent/Carer take a child out of the Academy during term time without the authorisation of the Head of School then the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. The Academy are also legally obliged to inform the Local Authority who may issue a Penalty Notice and fine under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.
Should a student persistently fail to attend the Academy due to Parents/Carers keeping their child off unnecessarily then the Academy is required to inform the Local Authority, a PACE (Police And Criminal Evidence) meeting under caution may be held which could result in a Penalty Notice and fine or a criminal prosecution.
The Academy opens for students at 8:00am, students can go to the cafeteria where breakfast is available.
Students are required to be present in the Academy by 8:40am at the latest, any student arriving after this time will be required to sign in at reception and will be recorded as late; a detention will be issued.
If for any reason an unforeseen circumstance occurs that results in a child being late, then we ask parents or carers contact main reception so that we are aware.