At Watling Academy, we believe that all students are entitled to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum. We are committed to a policy of inclusion; where students are valued equally regardless of ability and encouraged to achieve their full potential. We believe that the opportunity, care, and education of all students matter, including those identified as having SEND.
All students at Watling Academy, including those with SEND, have access to an exciting and stimulating curriculum, which includes the National Curriculum. As a mainstream school, students learning takes place in the classroom and is facilitated by teachers with ‘Quality First Teaching’. Additional targeted individuals or small group support is used to help some students to improve their reading, spelling or numeracy skills.
The support provided to a student with SEND is based on a full understanding of the student’s particular strengths and needs. We seek to address this by using early identification of needs to provide targeted support and intervention which reduces barriers to learning. Students requiring additional support are also identified to us through close liaison with our feeder schools.

Students with EHC Plans or on SEND Support will have an Academic Profile available to teaching staff. This identifies individual strengths and difficulties and strategies which could be used to support them throughout the curriculum. We may also use standardised assessments to identify those who may require additional support.
We have a dedicated SEND team who offer support in the day-to-day lives of our students. Our SENDCo works closely with the Heads of Year and wider teaching staff to identify, assess, and make provision for our students with additional needs. There is an ongoing whole school training programme for staff to support teaching and student learning.
Our students also have access to Student Support, a dedicated area used for additional intervention groups as well as a temporary withdrawal space for some students. Some students also access this area during social time.
Watling Academy’s aim is to develop a partnership where professionals and parents work together to review the progress that is being made and enable all students to leave us with the skills needed to continue to progress into the adult world.
If you have any questions please get in touch with Mrs Bennett, SENDCO and Designated Teacher for LAC,