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We have had another busy week at Watling, with today marking the half way point through this half term. This week, we move out of the 10 darkest weeks of the academic year and start to move into longer days, something I think a lot of us will be thankful for.
I felt that it would be useful to remind all parents/carers that a student’s absence at school can be reported via Parentmail. Many find this a quicker and more convenient way to inform the school of a student’s absence. You can use the absence tab within Parentmail to record an illness. Appointments should be made outside of school time, but if this is absolutely unavoidable, please notify the attendance team in advance via
On Friday 17th January, Frantic Assembly visited Watling Academy and conducted a two-hour workshop for our Year 10 GCSE Drama students. During the session, the students learned about devising and how to use its fundamental elements, such as physicality and collaboration, in their work. The workshop provided practical exercises and insights that helped the students understand and apply these techniques in their future devising project which is worth 40% of their GCSE. It was an excellent event and the students enjoyed the experience. As we complete week 2 of term, it has been wonderful to see our clubs, fixtures and trips back into full swing. Students have been working hard to settle back into the routines of the school day, building on the positive start made to this academic year.

On Thursday, we held our Year 9 Options Evening to formally begin the process of selecting GCSE options. This is an exciting time in a student’s education as they are able to make some personalised choices about their curriculum into Year 10. Miss Webb delivered a presentation outlining the options process and our Heads of Department were on hand to give students and their families information about their subjects. It was fantastic to see so many of our Year 9 students in attendance, thank you for your support. Please remember that the application form has been released today and should be submitted by 24th February.
Our Sports fixtures have been in full swing, with some successes for Watling teams. Our Year 7 and U14 girls Badminton won against Webber Independent School, whilst our U16 team lost. In Basketball, Year 9 won 37-6 against Stantonbury and Year 10 won 20-16. As part of our GCSE PE programme, we took part in girls Football moderation with Ousedale students, our Year 10 and 11 students were fantastic. Thank you to all students who are continuing to represent the school in our fixtures and maintain our excellent reputation for sport across Milton Keynes.
The Friends of Watling Academy (FOWA) met on Monday evening to discuss their latest plans to support the school. I would like to acknowledge our appreciation for the time and commitment that the members of FOWA dedicate to Watling Academy. If you are interested in getting involved, or would like more information, please visit their page on our website: PTA – Watling Academy
A reminder to Year 11 families to book their Leadership Interview appointments for next Tuesday, these are really valuable conversations regarding progress in Year 11, preparation for GCSES and next steps – please take advantage of this opportunity.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Fry
What’s happening next week?
Key events upcoming:
- Monday 27th January: Local School Board Meeting
- Monday 27th January: Year 11 GCSE Netball Moderation
- Tuesday 28th January: Year 11 Leadership Interviews Online
- Wednesday 29th January: Y8 Action4Youth – The big Trip Challenge (Invitation Only)
- Wednesday 29th January: GCSE Drama Blood Brothers Trip – Aylesbury Theatre
- Wednesday 29th January: Girls Football Moderation @ Olney
- Thursday 30th January: Year 11 Futures Day
- Friday 31st January: Y9 and Y11 Reports go home via email
Sports fixtures:
- Tuesday 28th January: Y9 5 A-Side Football Tournament
- Tuesday 28th January: Y7 & Y8 Basketball Vs Stantonbury
- Tuesday 28th January: Y11 Boys Football Vs Oakgrove
- Wednesday 29th January: Y10 Boys Football Vs Oakgrove
- Wednesday 29th January: Y7 Boys Football Vs St Pauls
- Wednesday 29th January: Y8 Boys Football Vs St Pauls
- Thursday 30th January: Y9 Boys Football Vs St Pauls
Updated dates for the diary…

Events in our Community
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the bulletin. Have you enjoyed reading this? Is there anything else you’d like to see included in future? Should you have any questions, comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to email: