Week 04
Week 4
Click here to jump down to our key dates
We have had another successful, if not slightly rain-soaked, week here at Watling. Today, our staff supported Macmillan Cancer Support through hosting a coffee morning in the staffroom, raising essential money for a great cause. Our Year 11s have shown an exemplary attitude towards their mock exams this week and I have been impressed by their determination and resilience in an examination situation. We have another week of mocks ahead next week, which will help our Year 11 students feel more prepared for their final GCSE examinations in June. Thank you to families for supporting us and our students during this time, and to our wider school community who have been mindful of the exams taking place this week in the Main Hall.

Our after school clubs have commenced this week and it has been brilliant to see the range of clubs on offer for students, both run by our staff and external partners. You can find out which clubs your child has been assigned via the ClassCharts App and there are a few clubs which may still have spaces so please keep an eye out for communications about this soon.
On Monday, the Friends of Watling Academy (FOWA), our Parent Teacher Association, held their Annual General Meeting (AGM). There was good attendance at the meeting and some changes to the Committee were voted upon. Their next meeting will be on Monday 18th November, so please look out for information at that time should you wish to come along. Becoming a part of FOWA is a fantastic way to support the school, meet other parents, and to do good for our community. They welcome all parents/carers and would be delighted to hear from you, however big or small your contribution. To get in touch, please visit the FOWA page on our website here.
We have had another successful week of sports fixtures, with our Year 8 Boys Football team facing Stantonbury on Wednesday, with Sean scoring a hattrick as part of a fantastic 4-3 win. On Thursday our Year 9 boys repeated the victory against Stantonbury with a 4-1 win and an incredible goal scored by Mason. We have a number of sports fixtures next week as you can see below, let’s hope the weather stays on our side!
Over the next term we are aiming to improve our use of social media channels, sharing information about life at Watling. We will be sending a survey to gain your feedback about our use of social media and other platforms to share these whole school messages, but in the meantime I would encourage you to ‘like’ our school Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WatlingAcademy
You may have seen our recent news story regarding Age UK’s ‘Joy in Older Life’ Art Competition. Four of Watling Academy’s young artists spanning from Year 8 – Year 11 are having their artwork proudly put on display in Middleton Hall (outside John Lewis) this weekend from Saturday 28th September until Tuesday 2nd October. Well done to all students who were involved.
I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.
Mrs H Fry
What’s happening next week?
Key events happening next week include:
- Year 11 Mock Exams
- Thursday 3rd October: Year 10 Learning Pathways Evening
- Friday 4th October: Friends of Watling Academy Doughnut Sale
- Sports fixtures
- Tuesday 1st October: Year 7, U14 & U16 Girls & Boys Badminton vs Hazeley
- Tuesday 1st October: U15 Girls County Cup Football vs Shenley Brook End
- Tuesday 1st October: Year 10 Netball vs Oakgrove
- Wednesday 2nd October: Year 7 & 8 Netball vs St Pauls
- Wednesday 2nd October: Year 7 Boys Football vs Stantonbury
- Thursday 3rd October: Year 9 Netball vs St Pauls
- Thursday 3rd October: Year 9 Girls Football vs St Pauls
- Age UK’s ‘Joy in Older Life’ Art Competition 28th Sept-1st Oct
Dates for the diary…

Events taking place in our community
Age UK’s ‘Joy in Older Life’ Art Competition 28th Sept-1st Oct – see news here
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the bulletin. Have you enjoyed reading this? Is there anything else you’d like to see included in future? Should you have any questions, comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to email: media@watling.academy